The beautiful shining golden nugget, you will become.

Koppel Halshtok
9 min readDec 29, 2021

The power of I.

What is the power of I?
What does it mean?
What is it?

The entity of I is:

Our conciseness
Our awareness
Our sense of being
Our dignity
Our sense of justice
Our sense of logic

Imagine you have the power to stop a storm in your life. Imagine you can overrule any decision you made in the past and come up with a new decision that fits better your interests. Imagine you are facing hard times, you are debating, ask questions, consider options, in the end you will make a decision that will change your life.

Evolution understood, that because of the mind’s diversity, and its contradictory nature, and because of the many choices it presents to us, that the mind can not be a decision maker. And created another entity that is considering, analyzing, eliminating, and comes up with answers, conclusions, decisions, and sets up the limitations and the guidelines, that will allow you to move forward, and gain control over your life, and guide your life to wards achieving the dreams and the goals, that you set up for yourself.

The entity that evolution created, is the one that will make you choose between the darkness of depression, or the uplifting loving light. between a path that is smooth and beautiful, or a path that is crooked and muddy. between a life of laughter and happiness, or a life of anger and disappointment.

The entity that evolution created I call:

The entity of I
This entity is I
I am my entity of I

You and you and you, and I, we all have our own entity of I.

Today we embark on a journey to a city where the streets are paved with the golden truth and hesitation has no place to walk on.

Where streetlights lead you, on a one-way Street, to a square called, decide! make a decision!

Where judges read a verdict that says, it is about your life, postponement and procrastination are not allowed.

Where a voice from the core of your being, and from the depth of your heart, is telling you, it is decision time, and your life can no longer be wasted.

A city that shows you love and kindness, like a mother show, to her newborn child.

This city is the entity of I.

Dear friends

To know what the power of the entity of I is, you need to understand, the relationship between the brain, the mind, and the power of I.

The brain, the mind, and the entity of I are entangled, intertwined, and feed off each other, yet are independent in the way they function.

There are at least four major functions of the brain that are relevant to the subject I speak about.

First function, to control the world within us! and sustain, a healthy, strong, and functional body.

Second function, to absorb and be the keeper of all your knowledge and information that was accumulated by you, through out your life.

Third function, to use the power of the mind that performs two critical and irreplaceable functions.

a) To channel all the knowledge and information from the world around us, to the brain, in a way that will be easily retrievable in the future.

b) To withdraw requested information from the brain to our awareness and conciseness, in a clear and understandable language, in the form of words sentences ideas and thoughts.

Forth function, which is the entity of I, this entity receives the requested information from the mind, and then considers, analyses, eliminates, and comes up with answers, conclusions, decisions, and guidelines.

To have a glance in to understanding how the entity of I function, imagine you are in a big party, and on a long, long table there are all the goodies in the world, all the meats, and all the salts. All the pastries, and all the fruits. All the sweets, and all the ice creams. All the vegetables, and all the wonderful meals. And you know that you cannot eat all that your eyes can see.

The mind will of course say this is great the other looks wonderful, this looks tasty and the other looks beautiful. Eat it all try it all, eat as much that you can don’t live a thing untouched.

But this suggestion dose not look right, it is just not right. You stand in front of this table, and you know that you must make a decision you have to exercise you power and decide what you like, and what you don’t like. What you can eat, and what you will not eat. How much you will eat, and what is in you best interest.

Obviously, the brain and the mind will not make that decision, it is you and only you, who has that ability and that power. Did you eat it all? Or did the entity of I made the final Decision what to eat and how to enjoy the party.

The entity that evolution created is the one that will make you choose between the darkness of depression, or the uplifting loving light. between a path that is smooth and beautiful, or a path that is crooked and muddy. between a life of laughter and happiness, or a life of anger and disappointment.

How clever was evolution? that learned and understood, that to make the right decision there must be a separation, between the entity of I, and the functions of the mind. Which means the mind has the freedom to channel information to the brain and has the freedom to search and withdraw requested information from the brain, and present that information in a picture that will cover all the angels and faces, of the requested information.

The mind will then provide that information to the entity of I, Knowing! That the entity of I has the freedom, the power, the capacity, and is the only one, that can make a decision for you.

We make thousands of decisions every day. Beginning in the early years when we were born.

We decided to trust and love our mother’s kindness, hugs, and kisses. To cry when we were hungry, and to scream when we were aching.

And fast forward, from brushing your teeth in the morning, to the first bite of breakfast. From deciding what you will wear, to kissing your love once goodbye. When you drive your car, or when you get to your place of work.

What is the impact, of the entity of I on our lives?

All the decisions you made throughout your life with the entity of I, hold in them the seeds for who you were, who you are, and who you will become.

They carry in them the promise of what kind of a person you are, emotionally, philosophically, and practically.

They are guiding you to decide, if you are open to new ideas. And what kind of parent you will become,

If you are to be a compassionate, loving and kind human being.

If you are willing to share your life with the world around you, and be opened to understand, not only yourself, but the others too.

If you are to love! To be loved! and to fall in love.

If you are ready and willing, to be happy, and understand, that your happiness depends on the happiness of others.

If you are willing to create for yourself, a core of values and guidelines, that will give you the power to choose, what kind of a life you want to live.

These are decisions you made or will make with the power of the entity of I.

Dear friends

Dr. Shwarts said, that the more you act upon, and think about your fears, your anxieties, your failures, the deeper and stronger will these emotions become, and overwhelm your existence.

All these emotions Dr. Shwarts speaks about! Are emotions that were created in the mind, they are not a result, of a process, of decision making. Therefore, they are better off, not having a place in your life.

Is it possible? I repeat is it possible, that by using the power of the entity of I. We can create a wall of decisions that will send a clear message, that will furiously reject and undermine, all the negative emotions that come from the mind?

Yes, it is possible?
Then why is it possible?

Because the entity of I has the power to question, examine, and overrule all ideas, and negative thoughts that were created in the mind, and fearlessly declare, that these negative emotions are no longer welcome to our awareness and our consciousness.

The more power you give to the entity of I. By making decisions and creating guidelines that are positive in nature, the weaker, all the negative emotions, that come from the mind will become, and you will open yourself, to a new world of positive thinking.

How can I be bolder than I am about to be? Don’t ever expect the mind to make any decisions for you.

The mind is not designed, not equipped, and cannot make a decision for you.

The entity of I is the only one who has the capacity, the capability, and the power, to decide in your behalf.

The entity of I is the jet engine, that will fly you forward on a path of self fulfillment, self expression, and bring you closer to your dreams and your desires and gales.

The entity of I is the judge, the jury, and the executioner.

Do you get it? Do you understand it?
Do you get it, understand it, and believe it?
If you believe it, then you are ready.

Raise your head up high and walk on that street that is paved with the golden truth.

Evolution understood, that because of the minds diversity and it’s contradictory nature, and the many choices it presents to us, that the mind can not be a decision maker, and created another entity that is considering, analyzing, eliminating, and comes up with answers, conclusions, decisions, and sets up the limitations and the guide lines, that will allow you to move forward, and gain control over your life, and guide your life to wards achieving the dreams and the goals, that you set up for yourself.

Dear friends

If you will accept and adopt in your heart the existence of the entity of I, you will then realize that the functions of the brain and the functions of the mind, and the function of the entity of I, now look so simple so clear and so easy to understand.

Now the rolls, the critical importance of the functions, of these three entities, the brain, the mind, and the entity of I, the way they were designed to perform and to become one exceptional unite, with distinct responsibilities.

Now that you know that you can not expect or rely on the brain or the mind to make any decision for you.

Enter proudly the square that is called decide, make a decision.

And let the voice of truth! That comes from the core of your being, and from the depth of your heart.

To be the light that guides you, to happiness and a beautiful life.

Now that you know that you can not expect or rely on the brain or the mind to make any decision for you.

Now you can except the fact that only you, has the power and the ability to decide for yourself.

Now that you know that you are the only one, who has the control and the power to change your life, and to take responsibility for your life too.

Now you can stand on your two feet, now you can embrace your own freedom.

Now you can become the master of your own life, the leader, and the dreamer of your own path.

Dear friends

Now please close your eyes and imagine standing in front of a mirror, please look into that mirror and declare to yourself, that you accept this roll as a decision maker for the rest of your life, and say with a voice that comes from your heart.

I am, I can, and I will take this responsibility as a decision maker for the rest of my life.

Then repeat and repeat till you will feel the power, the magnitude and the strength of your commitment Taking hold of your being.

